Thursday 31 March 2011


Half Century Special! :P

This notorious photograph shows X clutching a rifle and a Marxist newspaper. It was long believed that the picture was manipulated, that the lighting was not possible to achieve outdoors. However in 2009 a digital forensics expert from Dartmouth college, Hany Farid, digitally analyzed the above scene by constructing a 3D model and proved that a single source - the Sun - was responsible for all the shadows. He concluded that "the picture almost certainly was not altered." Identify X. And give the obvious relation with the person below.

Sunday 27 March 2011


What happened minutes after this photograph was taken?

What were its ramifications?

Also, if you've got the first two questions right, you can identify the couple.

Saturday 26 March 2011


1.The Sun Trust Bank branch in Atlanta holds a very important document in its safe deposit box which is quintessentially linked to both global economy and daily life. Identify.( Take a wild guess..)

2.X holds the Guinness record for the world's largest comprehensive temple. X has a Hall of Values that features life-like robotics and dioramas. It features the worlds's smallest animatronic robot in the form of Ghanshyam Maharaj. X has India's tallest IMAX screen showing only one movie- Neelkanth Yatra, which also has an international version. X also has a musical fountain called Yagnapurush Kund, India's largest step-well. Identify X.


X appears in 2000 newspapers worldwide in 65 countries and 25 languages apart from magazines, books and merchandise.X explores, an engineer's personal traits, lack of social skills, business ethics, esotericism, sadistic management, HR policies, micromanagement, ISO audits etc.X is featured in the Republic of Elbonia. The X principle states that,"Leadership is nature's way of removing morons from the productive flow". The X Business Anthology includes the The X Principle, The X Future and The Joy of Work. X was created by Y who coined office culture phrases like BOCTAOE, confusopoly, cow-worker,induhvidual, PHB etc.
Id X and Y

Friday 25 March 2011


Connect with a commonality.


X was born in Turku Finland. X won a total of 9 golds and 3 silvers in the olympics and went on to become a legend in sports and also greatly remembered for his sportsmanship. He was nicknamed "A Great Silent One" (Suuri vaikenija) by some contemporary Finns .X also has the distinction of lighting the olympic flame. Identify  X 


Started by the then Maharaja of Mysore in 1937, this firm was nationalized in 1947 when India gained indepedence. It was selected to manufacture X in 1962, and is still the only firm in India authorized to do so. The process involved in X is a closely guarded secret and is based on a formula developed by the National Physical Laboratory of India. The company's revenue is largely dependent on a certain event in Indian public life, and hence its profits are highest whenever it occurs. It also exports X to countries such as Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, South Africa and Nigeria. It is estimated that 300 million people have been subjected to the use of X over a period of 45 years. Which company? What's X? What event?


What is so special about this picture?

Location: Menlo Park, California.

Thursday 24 March 2011


A descendant of the Turkish plunderer Timur on his father's side, and Genghis Khan on his mother's side, X was born in Ferghana, and became its king at the age of 12. X coveted the magnificent city of Samarqand but was never able to retain it for any substantial period of time. He even lost his home kingdom of Ferghana in the bargain. He later on crossed the Hindukush and became the ruler of Kabul, where his attention turned to the "Land of Dust and Diamonds", Y. He mounted an invasion of Y in 1526, during which he received a mocking letter by the Shah of Persia, calling him a Z, meaning "descendant of the Mongols". However X took it as a mark of honour, and formally adopted Z as the name of his clan. X went on to rule large sections of Y, and his descendants took his legacy forward. Ironically enough the last direct descendants of X were all brutally executed in the mid 19th century by the W. Some surviving descendants live in considerable poverty.

What are X,Y,Z,W?

Tuesday 22 March 2011


Educational Qualifications : Holds three doctorates - in Theoretical Physics, Mathematics and Planetary Astronomy.

Hobbies: Dowsing .

Fields of Study : Engineering, Archaelogy, Biology, Chemistry.

Important Inventions: Moon Rocket, Ultrasonic Machine, Shark Submarine and Anti - Alcoholism pill.

He was part of the first ever manned mission to the moon in 1958, eleven years before Apollo 11.

He is also an exponent of Savate, a French martial art he learnt in University. He seems to have become a little rusty though.

Is the goat his least favourite animal?

Enough said. ID this genius and explain his relation to the person in the right.


X is a lawyer by education and also holds a degree in political sciences.A plethora of products are named after X including dolls,cosmetics,chocolates.X has addressed buisness schools such as harvard and wharton on his managerial acumen after he turned around one of the largest employers in the world .X had famously said once"I ve not given them heaven, but I've given them a voice." Identify X


Connect :
--Charles de gaulle
--George washington
--Harry S Truman
--Ronald reagen
--Admiral Kuznetsov

Monday 21 March 2011


This Finnish company X was started as a groundwood pulp mill in 1865 on the banks of the Tammerkoski rapids in Tampere town and started manufacturing paper. The company was later relocated to the town of X on the banks of the X nvirta river, where it got its current day name. It was named after the river, which in turn was named after an old Finnish word meaning the animal Sable. X also briefly produced M61 gas masks for the Finnish army. The present day company was formed by the conglomerate of this company with a rubber company and a cable works company and today produces something totally different from rubber or wood pulp. Id X...


What event happened at 11:32 on October 30, 1961 at the place shown on the map ?


This ship was originally named Baku. The ship had to be renamed some years later due to change in political boundaries of the world , and then assumed its more popular name. The ship is in the process of being renamed again after a king of the paramara dynasty . Identify this ship. 


On February 3, 1962, Nari Contractor, the captain of the Indian team touring the West Indies, suffered a career-ending injury from a bouncer bowled by West Indian fast bowler Charlie Griffith. X was the first player from either side to donate blood to the injured Contractor, which saved his life. In remembrance of this act the Cricket Association of Bengal organizes a blood donation every year on this day, and the day is commemorated as X Day in West Bengal. X is also a cricketing legend. Who is X?

Saturday 19 March 2011


The inspiration for X came to Momofuku Ando, a Taiwanese immigrant, while he watched people queue up at a black market stall selling hot soup towards the end of World War II. Food was in scarce supply, and Ando decided that "Peace will come to the world when the people have enough to eat", which would later on become the motto of his company. He founded this company Y in 1948, and managed to develop the first ever X in 1958. X has evolved to become popular the world over and in 2000, it was voted as the Most Important Invention in a poll conducted in Ando's adopted country. Identify X, Y.


X was renowned as the one of the world’s best bass-guitarists when he was alive. X is well known as the bassist for Y. On September 26, 1986, while on tour with Y in Sweden, X won a bet with Y’s lead guitarist for his bunk bed on the tour bus by playing an ace of spades. On the morning of 27th September, 1986 at 7 a.m. the tour bus skidded near Ljungby, supposedly on black ice. X was thrown out of the window and the bus fell on him crushing him to death. In his testimony, the driver of the bus swore on oath that he had not fallen asleep and had been well rested the previous day. The other 3 members of Y survived. Identify X and Y.

Question Courtesy : Kiran Iyer

Friday 18 March 2011


Japanese company X initially produced playing cards and still does so in Japan, organising a contract bridge tourney "X cup".In 1963 X entered the US market and after using disney characters on the cards, ventured into new enterprises such as a taxi company, a love hotel chain, a TV network, an instant rice food company etc.In 1966 they entered the Japanese toy market with the extendable arm called the Ultrahand.In 1974 X entered the Y industry with the magnavox odyssey followed by the NES(Famicom), SNES.It created legend with the characters of it's Y, Jumpman and the giant ape.The name X can be translated to "leave luck to heaven".
Id X,Y. Sitter people!


these 3 men belong to an exclusive club, identify. (hint: the next possible addition to the club is Amar'e Stoudemire)


1) Identify the two persons in the picture, and also give its significance.

2) A descendant of the Kamilaroi people of Indigenous Australians, he is widely regarded as the only person of Aboriginal heritage to have played test cricket for Australia so far. Identify.


X is the world 's largest manufacturer of vegetarian cheese and the largest producer of pouched milk. X was one of the  main influences of the film "Manthan " by shyam benegal. the founder of X , is a  World Food Prize and the Magsaysay Award winner. Identify X and its founder.


What is common to the people shown in the picture?

Thursday 17 March 2011


Two-in-one. :P
1) Which personality once said, "You can't be a revolutionary if you don't eat chillies."?

2) X was originally created by a bakery, "Peek Frean" in Britain in 1874 to commemorate the wedding of the Grand Duchhess X of Russia to the Duke of Edinburgh, Alfred, who was also the son of Queen Victoria. It became very popular in Spain in the aftermath of the Spanish Civil War, when bakeries started producing surplus wheat, and a symbol of its economic resurgence. India is one of the world's largest consumers of X, with 4 Indian companies in the list of the world's top ten manufacturers of X (and its many variants.). However, the Argentinian food giant Arcor is the largest manufacturer of X at present. Features of X are almost fussily done patterns and ornate details. Id X.

Wednesday 16 March 2011


This person was born on may 31st 1930.This person established his own production company, Malpaso, in 1967 with Irving Leonard, which has since produced the vast majority of films This person has been involved in, producing with Warner Bros ,since the mid 1970s. This person is known for his passion towards golf and jazz.This person is better known as Rowdy Yates, Harry callahan,and as the laconic Man with No Name in Sergio Leone's Dollars Trilogy of spaghetti westerns. Identify this icon , who is also a Légion d'honneur and a Ordre des Arts et des Lettre medal winner.




Born and raised in the slums of kensington, philadelphia X's ol'man told him early on,"You weren't born with much brain, so you better use your body". Working as an enforcer for a loan shark, he trained in local club circuits, earning him the nickname "bucket of blood". X got his first break in 1976 replacing Mac Lee Green for the championship at the philadelphia spectrum. A series of wins followed bringing him worldwide fame. A statue of X was erected outside The Philapdelphia Museum of Arts in 1981. X has the hybrid style of a southpaw, brawler and swarmer and won the world championship twice in his career. Identify X.

Tuesday 15 March 2011


Which political entity does this flag represent?


X is manufactured in 9 sizes as laid down by the Bureau of Indian Standards, the largest having dimensions 6300 X 4200 mm . The material for manufacturing X is procured solely from the Dharwad and Bagalkot districts of Karnataka, and is subject to stringent quality control tests before use. X was also the first article to ever be certified by the Indian Standards Institute. What is X?


The above google doodle commemorates?


This person was born  Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu. 2010 on the 100th anniversary of this person 's birth.A  Memorial House was opened in  hometown Skopje, in the Republic of Macedonia named after this person. With the help of Indian officials this person  converted an abandoned Hindu temple into the Kalighat Home for the Dying, a free hospice for the poor. She renamed it Kalighat, the Home of the Pure Heart (Nirmal Hriday). Identify this person.

Sunday 13 March 2011


"Manav'', in 1954, was the first failed venture of this UDCT alumnus . X (1967), and Y(1980), were the humungously popular initiatives that made him a household name in his field. Identify this gentleman, who was the UDCT distinguished alumnus for the year 1999. Also identify X and Y.

Saturday 12 March 2011


A rebel throughout her life, X separated from her devout Catholic husband due to religious and political differences. She dabbled in Socialism and Marxism, and gained notoriety in Britain for having co-published a book on Birth Control, which flew in the face of prevailing notions of morality. She was also a Freemason, and established lodges throughout Britain. Later in life, her interest turned towards Theosophy. She also moved to India, establishing the Central Hindu College in Varanasi, the first institution to be affiliated to the then newly-formed Benaras Hindu University. The Theosophical Society in Chennai, which she founded, is named after her. However, she is more renowned for contributions of an entirely different nature altogether. Who is X?


1. This West Indian cricketing legend X was known as the "Black Bradman", although his loyalists largely felt that Bradman be called the "White X". His grandson Dean has represented England in international cricket. Identify X

2.X's life is dreary and unfulfilling until he encounters a Mayan Y. Y brings out the most powerful, and the most dangerous aspects of X's personality. He sheds all personal social inhibitions. X is imbued with physical imperviousness and reality-bending power. However Y also dominates X's psyche and his acts are grotesque and sadistic. Infact anyone utilizing the Y's powers becomes a cruel anti-hero with ultra violent tendencies, even though not their intention.(Fictitious) X's escapades and his struggles with Y are documented in "The Y" series ,published by Dark Horse comics and created by John Arcudi and Doug Mahnke. The concluding issue of this hugely popular series was published in 2000 by DC comics, in which The Joker from the Batman series comes in contact with the Y,and the stage is set for a gory finish. We have all been exposed to toned-down adaptations of Y's exploits atleast at some point in our lives. Identify X and Y. (Long question, but a sitter.)

Friday 11 March 2011


1) What is the name of India 's first ever cricketing club and where was it formed ?

2) What is so unique about the above picture.

3) This author wrote the longest novel in English literature "Clarissa : Or the history of a young lady ". This author also features in the  Index librorum prohibitorum issued by the vatican. Identify the author


Former English cricket captain Douglas Jardine of Bodyline fame was born in this place.The first bungalow at this place was built by Mountstuart Elphinstone.This place and surrounding region was once owned by the Keyi family from kerala. Identify this well known and posh locality in one of India 's most important cities.


X currently is one of the largest producers of Y. X is involved in Nord stream and south stream projects.X became sponsor of venezuelan football club Deportivo Táchira.X is associated with places such as shtokman , yamal, kovykta, Medvezhe, Urengoy and Yamburg. Y is created by two mechanisms: biogenic and thermogenic.Y is typically stored in salt domes. Identify X and its product Y which is one of the most important requirements to the world right now.

Thursday 10 March 2011


1. Describing X as the 'most colossal and enduring of mankind's creations', the World Heritage Committee on January 25, 2011 officially recognized X as the "Eighth Wonder of the World. What is X?
2. This Indian Government honour went to 13 persons this year. One of the foreign recipients of this award is the current Governor- General of New Zealand, another a British baroness. Which award?

Wednesday 9 March 2011


These are five independent words and phrases unified by a central idea/concept/word. Identify.

 Hewlett-Packard 65 scientific calculator 

2001 : A space odyssey.

Secret Easter Egg




1. This Indian cricket great was also a fingerprint expert. Identify.

2. This country won its 100th gold medal at the 2004 Athens Olympics. Impressively enough it had returned to the games from its self-imposed exile 5 editions ago at Los Angeles in 1984. In the same edition (2004) an athlete representing this country became the first from his country to win a Gold in an Olympics athletics event. Name the country, the athlete and the sport in which it won its 100th gold medal.

3. The descendants of a certain Ragho Ram Kaul, an 18th century Kashmiri Pandit are today better known as the _____ family. What's the blank?


X 's Cape was originally inspired from some artworks of the famous Leonardo Da Vinci. The cape has no use and works more like a parachute. X learnt many strategies, combat moves and healing powers from African Bushmen, Monks and from experts like Kirigi (who taught him ninjitsu) and Harvey Harris who trained his detective skills.Barbara Gordon, Dick Grayson are X 's associates . Identify this X for whom alfred pennyworth was more than a parent .


What is so unique about this place and where is it located ?


What 5-letter word links the capital of the US state of Oregon, another in Massachussetts infamous for its "Witch Trials'' in the 17th century, an India-born criminal and a third city in Tamil Nadu?


What connects these pictures ?


 This company manufactured the only  only engine to obtain land, air and water speed records.The mission and objective of the car manufacturer set out by the founders as a company was to provide a tangible transport alternative to horses and trains. When the company was first created the horse and carriage was still the main mode of transport.The manufacted products are called by names such as Silver Wraith, Silver Dawn, Silver Cloud, Silver Shadow, Silver Spirit, Silver Spur and the Silver Seraph.  Identify this company.


 is an Aquarius who measures 5’6.5 in height and 'To Kill a Mockingbird' is X 's favourite book. X is said to have the ‘Midas touch’ since sales of products she mentions liking on X show rise at times by as much as 500 percent. Xis currently rewarding $100,000 to every person who turns in a declared sex offender.X  signed for an exercise and diet book – the largest non-fiction publishing deal in history.X revealed X has also had a fear of chewing gum since childhood. Identify this  X who has also  hosted the Nobel Peace Prize Concert.


studied chemistry at Somerville College, Oxford before qualifying as a barrister. X was influenced by monetarist thinking and economists such as Milton Friedman and Friedrich von Hayek.In the Falkland Islands,  'X' Day has been marked every 10 January .Sir Geofferey Howe who was X 's staunchest supporters resigned famously from his post to protest X 's policies. Identify his person 'X'

Tuesday 8 March 2011


Women's Day Special :
1. With what special distinction are the names Anandibai Joshi and Kadambini Ganguly associated?
2. This highly-acclaimed actress, apart from being a prominent face in Indian cinema, is also credited with novel ventures such as the film Mitr- My Friend, the first Hindi film comprising an all - woman crew. Recently she directed a documentary on the effects of genetically modified brinjal titled, "Kathereekai"(Brinjal in Tamil.). She also directed the hard-hitting "Phir Milenge", in which Shilpa Shetty plays the HIV-positive advertising professional. Who is being referred to?

Monday 7 March 2011


1. X started his career with two controversial works. The first was a thinly-veiled parody of the Soviet Union, and the second was a rather racist and patronizing account of African people, worsened by situations such as the protagonist Y killing a chimpanzee, ripping out its innards, and wearing only the skin to fool his adversaries. X's employers were also alleged to possess Nazi sympathies during the World War II. However, X's views later on matured and he went on to become one of the greatest in his profession. Y became a children's favourite and epitome of understanding worldwide. So it's no wonder that these two editions are rarely mentioned because of their nature. In April 2010 a Congolese student in Sweden sought a ban on the second work alleging that it was offensive to Africans. Identify X, Y and the two publications. Incidentally, the total commercialization of Y's 'brand' means that it is illegal to found any sort of organization, club, or activity in the name of Y without permission of Y's copyright owner.

2. This great scientist X almost did not receive his doctorate in Physics as he wasn't able to answer fundamental questions such as the working of a battery in his PhD. interview. Indeed, his interviewer, the great experimentalist Wilhelm Wien, seriously contemplated doing so because of X's total lack of experimental knowledge. He was eventually awarded a grade III doctorate whereas his more illustrious predecessors had received top honours from the same university. He was also known for his complaint, "I don't even know what a matrix is'' , when he came across one in his calculations. That does not take anything away from his intelligence and today he is known for one of the most basic theories in the "New Physics", and interpreted entirely using Matrix theory. The theory is something we all encounter in the first few weeks dreary IITJEE prep courses. And it's the subject of several geeky jokes too. X was?

Questions are pretty easy, I think. More soon. And contributions to make questions better are most welcome.

1. Beginnings

This was started exactly 3 minutes ago, purely on a whim. As a one-time avid quizzer, I was deeply pained when I realized I barely answer a fifth of the questions at a certain quiz yesterday. The feeling was sickening. Here was a hobby I had deep interest in, and I had the opportunities to pursue it with greater interest in college. Yet I allowed more mundane (and even unconstructive, pointless) chores and activities to divert my attention and diminish my ability to the extent that the scrawny 13 year old who used to answer tricky history questions seems like a different person altogether now. This is perhaps my last attempt to revive my ability before I am engulfed by the unstimulating and repetitive monotone that is adulthood. Thus was founded this blog.

If you haven't been turned off by the self-absorbed hand-wringing, I would like to mention that anyone interested in quizzing is welcome. I will keep the blog as regularly updated with questions as possible. And hopefully with more interest and participation the level of quizzing will improve of its own. So I invite you to join me in search of quizzing nirvana. Who knows, perhaps you might discover the long lost quizzer inside you.