Friday 25 March 2011


Connect with a commonality.


  1. That dude is Julius Caesar. Dunno about the buildings - not remotely Roman... Is the first one the theater where Shakespeares JC first played or something?

    Any hints?

  2. Both the buildings are located in london.

  3. Top one is the Globe theater. The bust is of JC. Dunno what the middle building is.

  4. Shot in the dark here:
    2nd pic is of Westminister Abbey. Which means the bust is of someone who's buried there. First building...maybe his residence?

  5. The First building is the famous Globe theatre in London, Where many of William Shakespeare 's first plays took place.The second is the holy trinity church is Stratford upon Avon where he is buried and the third is the bust of Julius Caesar.(Famous character and name of hi splay )
    Connection as guessed was William Shakespeare

  6. Good guesses, and Shakespeare is buried in stratford upon avon not westminster Abbey unlike many of his compatriots .


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