Thursday 17 March 2011


Two-in-one. :P
1) Which personality once said, "You can't be a revolutionary if you don't eat chillies."?

2) X was originally created by a bakery, "Peek Frean" in Britain in 1874 to commemorate the wedding of the Grand Duchhess X of Russia to the Duke of Edinburgh, Alfred, who was also the son of Queen Victoria. It became very popular in Spain in the aftermath of the Spanish Civil War, when bakeries started producing surplus wheat, and a symbol of its economic resurgence. India is one of the world's largest consumers of X, with 4 Indian companies in the list of the world's top ten manufacturers of X (and its many variants.). However, the Argentinian food giant Arcor is the largest manufacturer of X at present. Features of X are almost fussily done patterns and ornate details. Id X.


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